Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hearing the Wind You Cannot See

Thursday the airwaves around these parts
were full of dire predictions
freezing rain
and wind
such wind

You learn to take these things with
more than a pinch of salt
while still looking skyward
ever seeking to read the 
signs of the times

And so it was
Thursday evening
that I stood outside
gazing up
into the dark clouds
feeling the cold of
plummeting temperatures
skating along my skin

No freezing rain
no snow
no tornadoes
only stillness
not a leaf rustling 
not a breeze stirring

But the sound
so loud
I turned all around
seeking its origins

I think I’ll never grow accustomed
in these mountain valleys
to the harbinger of wind
the sound of the locomotive
crashing all around
while everything,
is stillness

Hearing it 
before you see it
even in the high trees

Wind so fierce 
it makes the still air
below it carry the harmony
to its perpetual melody

The only visible clue
the racing of the clouds
across the skyline

Not the calm before the storm
nor even the calm amidst the storm
(eye of the hurricane sort of thing)
but the calm in spite of the storm

The weather here is positively biblical

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