Thursday, August 9, 2012

7 Reasons I Love My Life

1. It’s mine
2. It’s taken a long time for this life to look and be as it does and is right now.  It’s an investment and I think I’ve gotten a pretty good rate of return.
3. Home-made popcorn – a return to the things of my youth that are worth holding onto - like popcorn and hanging out the laundry on a sunny, windy day
4. The children in my life – grown and not so grown
5. I get to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth
6. I live in a time of mobility – which has allowed me to see an amazing breadth of this world and its people
7. I’m paid to think
8. I’ve had some great dance partners

1 comment:

  1. Friend Dot Terry has taken this post and run with it in a really cool way, coming up with her own 7 things she loves about a particular friend and sending it to that friend, asking that she send it on to another friend, and so on. Cool way to share the gratitude! Beth
