Friday, November 29, 2013

What Shall I Pray?

As people jump in with wildly differing points of view
claiming their own peculiar to be universal and universally

when it comes to things like the cessation of wars
when reason upon reason is put forth why it cannot be
thus, for it has always been so

when the lack of trustworthiness of the other becomes
the shaper of our character (for our actions are our character,
are they not?)

when we have somehow decided to write the script in advance
declaring an end to peace for war is, can be, the only way,
in my despair,

O Lord, what shall I pray?

Wisdom is the word that comes to me
but it is not enough – for we no longer
recognize Wisdom when she comes to
town as we substitute all sorts of sound
and fury signifying something far more
insidious, more dangerous, than Shakespeare’s

Humility runs close second – Lord let us
be humble in our pursuit of a better way
freed to recognize and receive the You
that is now and always The Better Way
but no – humility will not do, for in the
very act of declaring it found does it

I am right close to despair here, Lord.
Help.  Give me a word.
And maybe there it begins – give me . . .
a . . . word . . . just one . . . please . . .

And there it is . . . the word waiting
perhaps from before the beginning of
things . . . and it is . . . hope

In hope am I freed from judging,
condemning anger that so resembles
the despair and condemnation and
anger of those with whom I am so
angry . . . Lord, You are so much
the God of Irony I can scarce forego
the smile of recognition that surely
plays about You . . .

Hope . . . it is hope we seek (or must)
even in our not knowing . . . hope for
the lack of which our souls do starve

Babies bring hope like noone and
nothing else – isn’t it fitting, this
Advent exercise we followers of
The Way do do?

Ah Lord, irony again – a prayer
answered before uttered

and there was
and there is
and there will be


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