Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pearls of great price

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls;
on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
                           --Matthew 13.45-46

I own a double strand necklace
of very fine pearls – with matching
earrings – a gift from my mother,
who decided all on her own
that her daughter should have a fine
gift – a gift of beauty and value –
simply and only because I am
her daughter

My mother spent her time
as well as her money
in searching out
just the right pearls,
the right design for the necklace,
the right price, the right jeweler –
they had to be perfect –
these were not pearls for keeping,
but for giving

When I wear the necklace
and the earrings,
I wear not pearls,
or not pearls alone –
I wear my mother’s love
and a mother’s love
is a costly thing indeed


  1. I always share this on my facebook page I hope you don't mind .Planting a seed.
    I went to SS and Church today and I tought at first I would be the only person at SS but then one more person come in LOL
    "Where two or more are gathered in my Name there I shall be also" .
    Most of us went out to lunch together.
    There were 21 including the preacher at church.
    Bless you and yours. Mick

    1. Dear Mick - thanks for sharing - any time! I'm also remembering the number of times when it's just been me and one other person at church - usually those end up being pretty special times. Blessings back to you, Beth
