Friday, November 4, 2011

The Day When Nothing Happened

Vito Aiuto, the pastor of the congregation in skinny jeans in Brooklyn, recently described in the NYT his own conversion process, “during exam time.  'I felt like I was going to die. . . I felt like I was plunging into this black hole, and I said:  Dear God, if you’re real, please make this stop. I guess I’ll change my life, and I don’t know what it’ll mean, but you have to help me.  Nothing happened, and he left his exams and retreated home. 'I had perceived my life as an amusement park ride: I’m going to do the most drugs and be with the most people and do the most extravagant things and pretending I’m Jack Kerouac, and nobody’s experienced this like I have. . . I kept thinking, You got to a place where you were so desperate you knew that if there’s a God, only God could help you, and the dominoes fell pretty quickly after that.”

Did you catch it?  What he said about what happened?


That’s right: Vito Aiuto came to God because nothing happened!

A wise Independent Fundamental Baptist preacher once told me that God comes to each of us in the way we need.  Some of us need fireworks, Beth is specifically what he said to me at a time when I was searching for belief but failing to have some dramatic conversion moment or experience.

I might have thought that I needed fireworks, but it turns out I didn’t.  Neither did Vito Aiuto.

Some of us need a sense of emptiness. . . some a dramatic encounter . . . some need the still small voice and some need a shout . . . some need a strong clap on the back while others would run in the opposite direction of such an introduction . . . some need answers and others need to know that their questions are heard . . .

What we who come to faith seem to have in common is that we need . . . and nothing fills that need within for us save God.

Sometimes, when nothing happens, it is very good.


  1. God meets us where we are, but thank God He doesn't leave us where we are! The Hound of Heaven pursues us wherever it takes and whatever it takes. For some, it's a gentle look and a "follow Me," while others, me included, run so hard we have to hit a very hard bottom before we are softened up enough to listen. Vito may not have had a burning bush experience, but he was facing what he thought was a tough time, and God got him through it. There was much more happening here than meets the eye. Also, in the midst of it, he cried out to God and was (at least somewhat) willing to change.

  2. I know a spiritual counselor who asked god what to charge the people who came for counseling. The counselor got no answer and so charged nothing...ann

  3. Charlie - so very, very true! There's alot 'happening', sometimes most of all when it looks like nothing at all. An ironic God - who knew?

  4. Thank you , thank've answered a question!

  5. Dying to know the question & glad to have helped w/ an answer.
