Friday, February 1, 2013

A Smile for Today: Conversation with a 5-Year-Old

What are you doing?

Reading a book!

Reading a book?!?




So, do you know any jokes?


Can you tell me one?

Hmmm.  What do you call a dog on the beach?

I don’t know.  What do you call a dog on the beach?

A hot dog!

[Me laughing] That’s a good one!  Do you know any more?

Yeah.  What do you call a brick on the beach?

A hot brick?


[Well, we’re still working on conceptualizing humor, but hey, it’s a start!]


When you need a smile: call a 5-year old.  They will definitely have some important news, like learning to read and a ready joke to share.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... Children truly are the best medicine!
