Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The In-Between Silence

I love the in between silence
in the mornings when the birds
and the passing cars compete
to bring wakefulness into the
recesses of the time and space
I occupy – of course I like the
birds the best – nature’s alarm
clock is hard to beat . . .

but best of all I like the two-count
of the in-between – the silent
moment that stands alone
beckoning me into a new day
until another bird, another car
decides it’s been long enough
this silence of the in-betweenness
of things and the chorus begins


  1. Deepak Chopra once wrote that reducing all matter as small as is possible still leaves "spaces in-between". It is there that God resides, holding everything together. Of course, I'm paraphrasing, but I've always loved that image -- God in-between.. (and over and under and below..)

    Lovely musing, Beth.

    1. Marilyn, I'm with you - that's a lovely image of God in-between, residing, holding, sustaining. I think I'll let that carry me today. Hugs
